Nova marka HP Mostar „Mitovi i flora – Drijen

Mostar – Hrvatska pošta Mostar izdala je prigodnu poštansku marku u bloku, žig i omotnicu prvoga dana (FDC) „Mitovi i flora – Drijen u mitovima“. Autorica izdanja je Kristina Ćavar, marka nominalne vrijednosti 5,00 KM tiskana je u tiskari Zrinski u Čakovcu i u poštanskom prometu koristi se od 22. 5. 2016. godine.
Drijen (Cornus mas L.) je grm ili nisko drvo iz porodice drijenova, može narasti do osam metara visine i dostići starost veću od dvjesta godina. Poznat je po žutim cvjetovima i jestivim crvenim, trpkim plodovima (drenjinama), a često se spominje i u narodnoj tradiciji. Poznata je izreka „Zdrav kao drijen“,a u narodnim pjesmama znalo se da je junak spreman za junačka djela i boj kada bi iz suhe drjenovine uspio iscijediti dvije kapi vode. Drijen se također upotrebljavao u svadbenim gatanjima. Za plodan brak mlada bi pogledala mladoženju kroz drijenov vijenac govoreći: „Jedan bor, dva bora, treća bijela borika“. To bi značilo da želi prvo imati dva sina, a onda i kćerku.

Croatian Post Mostar’s new stamp issue “Myths and flora – Cornelian cherry or European cornel in myths”

Croatian Post Mostar has issued a commemorative postage stamp in a block, postmark and First day cover (FDC) “Myths and flora – Cornelian cherry or European cornel in myths”. The issue’s author is Kristina Ćavar, face value is 5,00 BAM, printed in Zrinski Čakovec printing house and is used in postal traffic from May 22nd 2016.
Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.), as a bush or short tree from the dogwood family Cornaceae, may grow up to 8 meters in height and can reach a lifetime of over 200 years. It is known by its yellow flowers and edible red, sour fruits (cornelian cherries), and is often mentioned in folk tradition. There is a famous saying: „Healthy as a cornelian cherry“ – „Zdrav kao drijen“, and in folk songs there are stories of a hero that is ready for combat if he is able to squeeze two drops of water from a dry cornelian cherry branch. The cornelian cherry was used in wedding augury. And for fruitful marriages, young brides would look at the groom through the cornelian cherry wreath saying: „One pine, two pines, and third white little pine“. That meant that they wished for two male children, then a third female child.